An update from Y&TC Alumni Immy Timmins
Posted on 2nd November 2023 by
Immy Timmins, a musician from Falmouth, received funding from Young & Talented Cornwall in 2021 and again in 2022. Immy got in touch with us recently to share details of how this funding has impacted her development. She told us:
“I am sending a short update of my recent progress, and to explain how the awards have helped my development and how grateful I am for them.The most recent grant enabled me to buy a piccolo trumpet. The piccolo is needed for higher range playing. Being able to purchase this instrument has enabled me to develop my orchestral playing and to learn and perform pieces from the Baroque era – this is key to supporting me towards my goal of playing in a world class orchestra.In September, I participated in the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment’s Experience Scheme, playing Haydn’s London Symphony in a side-by-side workshop. This was performed on natural trumpets, providing me with the opportunity to develop my performance practice in Historical Performance.Also in September I attended my first professional orchestral audition for the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Within this audition I was required to play orchestral excerpts (short and significant passages from orchestral works). Some of these excerpts needed to be played on my E-flat trumpet which was funded by Young & Talented Cornwall in 2021. I was successful in being invited to the Orchestra’s Extras list and hope to have the opportunity to play with them on a freelance basis in the future.I am now in the process of applying for a Masters in Music Performance and am busy preparing for those auditions later this year.Please could you pass on my gratitude to the board for their pivotal support in my development as a Classical Trumpet player. Without their financial assistance I would not have been able to purchase the instruments.”
The next round of awards will be opening on 14th November, keep your eyes on our website and social media channels for updates.